Top 10 Things to Check When Prepping your Home for Fall

The Pacific Northwest is known for its changing seasons and dramatic climates.

From warm summers to icy winters, the changing seasons can take a toll on your home. Preparing your home for the wet, winter months can be something easily overlooked however, this could directly impact the longevity and integrity of your roof, structure, and overall well-being of your home. Follow these 10 steps to ensure that your home is ready for the season change. To schedule your roof or gutter cleaning or to speak with one of our trained professionals, call Guardian Roofing, Gutters & Insulation at 877-926-9966, or schedule your appointment online »

Seattle Home in the Fall

Inspect Your Roof for Damage

It is imperative that your roof be inspected for impairments, such as missing or damaged shingles, cracked flashing, or loose tiles. Any issues need to be promptly addressesd to prevent leaks. Wet or weathered roofs can be dangerous to maneuver and it is highly recommended to have a trained professional assess or inspect your roofing.

Technician cleaning roof

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

As the seasons change and the leaves begin to fall, your gutters can clog causing blockage, water damage and roof damage if left untreated. Gutters should be cleared of debris, leaves, and twigs from your gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage. To ensure they are properly cleaned without damage, it is recommended to hire a professional for gutter cleaning.

Trim Overhanging Branches

During our wet, snowy months, trees that surround your home can become heavy with moisture, snow, and encroach on your home. It is important to trim tree branches that hang over your roof to prevent them from damaging your shingles or falling during strong winds or storms.

Check Flashing and Seals

As we transition from warm, summer months to the infamous wet, pacific northwest season, it is imperative that the flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights be inspected. Hiring a professional and ensuring that they are in good condition and resealing if necessary can save you time and money during the winter months should a leak occur. Call Guardian at 877-926-9966 or request your roof inspection appointment online »

Examine Attic Insulation and Ventilation

Adequate insulation and ventilation in your attic help regulate temperature keeping cold air and moisture at bay and prevent ice dams from forming. Cleaning, insulation replacement, and insulation installation are among our numerous attic services.Seattle roof inspection, maintenance and cleaning

Look for Mold and Mildew

As wet, winter weather creeps in and the days become shorter, your roofing is more susceptible to mold and mildew. It is necessary to have your roof and attic professionally examined for signs of mold or mildew growth, as these can lead to structural damage and health issues if left unattended. Look for discoloration in your ceiling or roofing materials and call our professional team at 877-926-9966 or schedule your roof inspection online »

Clean Moss and Algae

Just as mold and mildew can grow, so can moss and algae. Living in wetter climates such as the greater Seattle area, your roofing is exposed to ideal conditions for moss and algae growth. Scheduling routine inspections seasonally can help prevent growth and damage caused to your roof.

Gutter downspout

Replace Weather Stripping

Just as the elements can take a toll on your roofing, it can also take a toll on your weatherstripping. This material contributes to sealing your home from the changing temperatures and helps maintain a temperate environment that in turn can save you money on your energy bill.  

Blow Out Hoses and Sprinkler Systems

As temperatures drop, your pipes are susceptible to freezing water that can cause burst pipes, sprinklers, and hoses.While commonly outside your home, they can also cause improper drainage that can be detrimental to your home. 

Change Your Filters

Replace your air conditioning filter before shutting it down, and stay on top of furnace filter changes throughout the heating months to keep your system working properly. Maintaining routine filter maintenance and replacements ensures that your living space remains healthy and properly ventilated.

As the greater Seattle area transitions from warm summer to cooler, wetter weather, it is pertinent that your home and roofing receive routine inspection and maintenance. Roof and seal inspections, gutter cleaning, trimming vegetation, as well as mold and mildew examination can help prevent damage to your home during the winter months. To schedule your routine cleaning and inspection, call Guardian Roofing today at 877-926-9966 or email us »