Guardian HALO Project Nominations Are Now Closed

At Guardian Roofing & Gutters, We Believe It’s Incredibly Important To Give Back And Take Care Of Our Community.

After all, to whom much is given, much should be expected, and we have been given so much in the form of our team and our clients.

That is why every year since our inception, the Guardian Family takes some time to determine how we can best give back to our community in a way that is unique to us. In 2018 we found the answer in the Guardian Halo Project, an internal team lead project where one homeowner in dire conditions would be gifted with a major roof repair or replacement. The amount of nominations received was overwhelming and ultimately a very special lady and her family were gifted with a new roof for her Brown’s Point home.

After seeing the success of the first Halo project, it was evident to our whole team that this was going to be something that became a part of who we are. And now, year after year, we work together as a community to change the life of a family in need with the annual Guardian Halo Project.


For the 2023 Halo project, Ms Corrigan was chosen! Listen to her Story:

In July, Ms. Corrigan, who has worked for Goodwill Industries for almost 25 years. received a new roof and additional repairs as part of the fifth annual award through this by-nomination contest held annually by Guardian Roofing and Gutters. She was nominated by Rebuilding Together South Sound, which was instrumental in the inception of the Guardian HALO program five years ago.

Read more about each families story below, and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages to make sure you don’t miss any updates!

Halo Project: The Vandenberg Family

The Vandenberg Family
Project Date: August 2022

The Vandenbergs have lived in their Maple Valley home for 18 years, but encountered recent hardship that prevented them from being able to repair their cracked roof and leaking skylights. To get by, they placed a tarp on their roof and covered the indoor furniture in plastic to protect it from the leaking water during heavy rains. A bad case of pneumonia prevented Janet from working for four months. Just as she recovered and was returning to work, William was diagnosed with vascular dementia. As they struggled financially, a new obstacle occurred: a road construction crew destroyed the drain field for their septic system, adding a new financial burden at a cost of $30,000 – $35,000. Following that, William got sick with COVID-19 and was hospitalized for a few months. Soon after, he took a fall and broke his hip and femur, resulting in surgery and rehabilitation. The Guardian team knew that after all of the obstacles the Vandenbergs had been up against, they were the family that needed them most this year. Check out video here »

Lenihan Family

The Lenihan Family
Project Date: October 2021

Even before the Nomination Platform for the Halo Project 2021 was open, Guardian was receiving calls and emails inquiring about the philanthropic project with a special family in mind. As soon as the platform opened in late 2020, submission after submission was sent in for Sarah and Luke Lenihan, a young couple with 2 little children and one on the way. The family recently purchased a 104 year old home in Enumclaw Washington, and while they knew it would need some fixing up, they never could have imagined the myriad of problems that would be revealed. One of the major problems was a failing roof, something Luke and Sarah were not prepared for. Fortunately, their local community gathered around them in support and by the time the Guardian nomination platform closed, there were over 100 submissions in their name! The Team at Guardian knew they had found their recipient and the Lenihan’s project has been finished! Click here to watch a video of Luke explaining their circumstance »

Halo Project: Andrea Bachofer

Andrea Bachofer
Project Date: July 2020

Our 2nd candidate for the Guardian Halo Project 2020 was Andrea Bachofer, a working single mother to a daughter with autism. After purchasing a modest home in Issaquah she discovered that her roof was failing and her attic was full of mold. Unable to affordable the repairs it would take to fix these issues, she had to seal her attic and ignore the leaks that were coming into her home. On top of these housing issues Andrea has endured several crippling personal tragedies, as well as having her home burglarized last year. Despite all these things, Andrea doesn’t complain- she keeps going for her daughter. She truly is an amazing woman and the team here at Guardian feels so honored to have been able to help her with her roof. Our team gathered the 2nd week in July to remove Andrea’s old, moldy roof and give her a fresh, sturdy, healthy roof that will last her many years to come. Check out the full video here »

Halo Project: Jessica Allen

Jessica Allen
Project Date: June 2020

Our first 2020 Halo Project Recipient was Jessica Allen of Renton Washington. At the time of her nomination, her husband Don was in the final stages of esophageal cancer. In his earlier years Don was a roofer and before he became ill, he started reroofing their small home in Renton. Sadly Don passed away in January, leaving the family grieving and their roof unfinished. As the daughter of a Roofer, Lori Swanson (Guardian Roofing’s President and Owner) knew immediately she wanted to help Jessica and after speaking to Jessica and her family, Guardian set her reroof plan in motion. On a very rainy week in June 2020, the Guardian Team reroofed Jessica’s home, many of the employees volunteering their time to get the project done. Jessica and her family are so grateful for the new roof and Guardian is overjoyed to have been able to support them. Check out the full video here »

Halo Project: Cindy Lu

Cindy Lu Vaughn
Project Date: May 2019

At Guardian, giving back has always been at the core of our identity, so it was only right that our first ever Halo Project recipient would be a giver as well. Lovingly known as the Neighborhood Grandmother, Cindy Lu Vaughn’s doors were open to anyone in need. Medical bills from severe health issues prevented Cindy and her husband (Grandpa Pat) from addressing much needed home renovation projects and as result the Vaughn’s dilapidated roof had been tarped off for over two years.When Guardian first opened up the nominated process for the Halo Project in November of 2018, letter after letter flooded in for Grandma Cindy, each praising her giving heart and unshakeable spirit. The Team at Guardian knew we had found our recipient and in May 2019 our team installed a new roof on Cindy’s low slope Federal Way home.